Monday, April 04, 2005

The Send off Party

"Please dont go" some said. "We will miss you" some sobbed. What happened was, she had been kicked .
Yeah kicked out of the office. She wasnt quitting her career. Just this job. So did the Boss really want her in the office? Could it have been the salary?Or was it the office atmosphere or some seedy sexual harrassment. Or perhaps she had been doing her colleagues jobs too and couldn't couldnt handle the job pressure. Or had she been performing poorly?
Oh. Perhaps the Boss would miss her because he can't criticise her anymore. And the colleagues because they wouldn't shine in contrast to her anymore or because no one would be around to do their job anymore?
Why didnt she tell the true reason, perhaps she couldn't care less.
The company was not going to collapse because of a person. It was there before she joined and will exist and perhaps shine better after her exit.
Perhaps the sentiments are genuine. But because it will suit by blog title, I would like to think she was Kicked..

from o3 deleted the posts by mistake.

2nd post in kick series. : Kick the first expression of life.

Hmmm did it have something to do with my saying I will be quitting o3, your guess is as good as mind :)

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