Monday, January 23, 2006

O3 oh O3

To a significant entity.

I dream about you, at night
Even though the days with you were nightmares

I laughed when you broke down the first time,
Now you have had the last laugh by breaking down, for a long time.

I am not angry with you
How can I, when I feel so sad for you.

I wait for you to return,
Even though dear, you said it would be Diwali, than New Year

posted as a comment in o3support # re: Under Maintenance 1/2/2006 5:32 PM

But surely someday you will return, with a bang
And mock those who thought you have gone burst

I visit, your space even now
Hoping for a message, a clue,
something to tell me what you are going through
Sometimes I do leave messages,but then I dont think to you they get through

You are so special to me
Because I have had some wonderful and terrible times with you

Your silence can match Sphinx Sonia
Your Power to make others go crazy can beat the Sania Mania

My friends are tired about me, talking about you
They are ever confused on when I am with you and when I decide to leave you

But this time you dumped me
Sure I have written a guide on "Dumped and Down in the Dumps"

But its easier to prescribe the medicine
Than to take the bitter medicine

Well even when I am making a fool of myself,
Cant help typing how I feel about you.

Oh I am so desperately waiting, waiting for you.

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